Throughout the year several events and activities are organised next to the Big Five. Except organising events and initiating projects, we also actively participate in the public cultural debate in Rhodes with articles in local newspapers and by developing proposals. Our facebook pages, profile and group, are the platforms where volunteers, friends, supporters and board members exchange ideas, photographs and thoughts.
A summary of our events
June, July, August, September - Extra summer opening of 'The Talented Dr. Hedenborg'
31 May - Fifth Studium Generale lecture, by Vasiliki Konstantinidou; The Rhodians of Brazil
28 May - Official Opening of 'The Talented Dr. Hedenborg' - special RICHeS 2009 - 2014 Fifth Anniversary Exhibition
5 April - Fourth Studium Generale lecture, by Dr. Matoula Tomara - Sideri; Rhodos & Egypt, cradle of benefactors
29 March - Third Studium Generale lecture, by Nektaria Dasakli Ma; Grafitti on monuments, analysis and solutions
15 March - Second Studium Generale lecture, by Dr. Stavros Papadopoulos; Education in the city of Rhodes in the period 1900 - 1920
1 March - Opening Studium Generale 2014, by Prof. Dr. Thanos Veremis, lecture about the building of the modern Greek state and the construction of national identity
September 27 - October 20 - Bernard Rottiers Exhibition, the First Tourist in Rhodes
September 29 Anoiktes Portes 2013
September 27 - Seminar 'Ta Marasia' and official opening Bernard Rottiers exhibition
June 22 - 2nd Midsummer Night Concert and Garden Party at the Villa Rees
April 18 - 2nd RICHeS ICOMOS Day - educational program for school classes
March 23 - Fourth Studium Generale lecture, about 'Byzantium, past or future?' by the Greek american author Alexandros Billinis from Serbia
March 16-22 - 'Peace is, peace is not' Photorion international photography exhibition, co-hosted by RICHeS
March 10 - Bingo! Fund raising event, prizes provided by local producers and shops
March 9 - Third Studium Generale lecture, about cultural heritage and (national) identity, by dr. Eleni Stefanou of the University of the Aegean
March 3 - Heritage Walk 'Mandraki & More' for the Dutch Association of Rhodes
March 1 - Second Studium Generale lecture, about Iznik & Greece, ceramics tradition, by Mina Moraitou curator of the Benakis Museum
February 24 - Second Heritage Walk '1522-1523: In the footsteps of Suleyman the Magnificent in Rhodes'
February 16 - Opening Studium Generale, first lecture, about Constantinople by award winning author Alexandros Massavetas
February 10 - First Heritage Walk '1522-1523: In the footsteps of Suleyman the Magnificent in Rhodes'
January 26-27 - Photo Exhibition Anoiktes Portes and RICHeS new year's reception in the Auberge de France
March/April - Heritage Walks - The Ottoman heritage of Rhodes - three separate walks
April 18th - ICOMOS Day of Monuments and Sites - Heritage and Nature walk on Philerimos hill
June 20th - Midsummernight's Jazz concert and buffet at the historic Villa Rees
September 29-30 - Anoiktes Portes / European Heritage Days
November 25th - Second Heritage Discovery Trail Mandraki - 'The Italian colonial legacy in architecture'
April 21st - lecture about Bernard Rottiers and Rhodes at seminar in The Netherlands
September 24-25 - Anoiktes Portes - European Heritage Days
November - 'Action Auction' - Fund Raising initiative for purchase of 'Description des Monumens de Rhodes' by Bernard Rottiers
March 18th - Lecture about Bernard Rottiers and Rhodes
September 25-26 - Anoiktes Portes / European Heritage Days
October - 'From Toledo to Rhodes' - Week long program around the Sefardic culture and heritage in Rhodes, with lecture, concert, movie and Heritage Walk
September 26th - official founding day of RICHeS
January - first explorations, founding of the 'Rottiers Committee' and the 'Rottiers Society', which preceded RICHeS
A summary of our events
June, July, August, September - Extra summer opening of 'The Talented Dr. Hedenborg'
31 May - Fifth Studium Generale lecture, by Vasiliki Konstantinidou; The Rhodians of Brazil
28 May - Official Opening of 'The Talented Dr. Hedenborg' - special RICHeS 2009 - 2014 Fifth Anniversary Exhibition
5 April - Fourth Studium Generale lecture, by Dr. Matoula Tomara - Sideri; Rhodos & Egypt, cradle of benefactors
29 March - Third Studium Generale lecture, by Nektaria Dasakli Ma; Grafitti on monuments, analysis and solutions
15 March - Second Studium Generale lecture, by Dr. Stavros Papadopoulos; Education in the city of Rhodes in the period 1900 - 1920
1 March - Opening Studium Generale 2014, by Prof. Dr. Thanos Veremis, lecture about the building of the modern Greek state and the construction of national identity
September 27 - October 20 - Bernard Rottiers Exhibition, the First Tourist in Rhodes
September 29 Anoiktes Portes 2013
September 27 - Seminar 'Ta Marasia' and official opening Bernard Rottiers exhibition
June 22 - 2nd Midsummer Night Concert and Garden Party at the Villa Rees
April 18 - 2nd RICHeS ICOMOS Day - educational program for school classes
March 23 - Fourth Studium Generale lecture, about 'Byzantium, past or future?' by the Greek american author Alexandros Billinis from Serbia
March 16-22 - 'Peace is, peace is not' Photorion international photography exhibition, co-hosted by RICHeS
March 10 - Bingo! Fund raising event, prizes provided by local producers and shops
March 9 - Third Studium Generale lecture, about cultural heritage and (national) identity, by dr. Eleni Stefanou of the University of the Aegean
March 3 - Heritage Walk 'Mandraki & More' for the Dutch Association of Rhodes
March 1 - Second Studium Generale lecture, about Iznik & Greece, ceramics tradition, by Mina Moraitou curator of the Benakis Museum
February 24 - Second Heritage Walk '1522-1523: In the footsteps of Suleyman the Magnificent in Rhodes'
February 16 - Opening Studium Generale, first lecture, about Constantinople by award winning author Alexandros Massavetas
February 10 - First Heritage Walk '1522-1523: In the footsteps of Suleyman the Magnificent in Rhodes'
January 26-27 - Photo Exhibition Anoiktes Portes and RICHeS new year's reception in the Auberge de France
March/April - Heritage Walks - The Ottoman heritage of Rhodes - three separate walks
April 18th - ICOMOS Day of Monuments and Sites - Heritage and Nature walk on Philerimos hill
June 20th - Midsummernight's Jazz concert and buffet at the historic Villa Rees
September 29-30 - Anoiktes Portes / European Heritage Days
November 25th - Second Heritage Discovery Trail Mandraki - 'The Italian colonial legacy in architecture'
April 21st - lecture about Bernard Rottiers and Rhodes at seminar in The Netherlands
September 24-25 - Anoiktes Portes - European Heritage Days
November - 'Action Auction' - Fund Raising initiative for purchase of 'Description des Monumens de Rhodes' by Bernard Rottiers
March 18th - Lecture about Bernard Rottiers and Rhodes
September 25-26 - Anoiktes Portes / European Heritage Days
October - 'From Toledo to Rhodes' - Week long program around the Sefardic culture and heritage in Rhodes, with lecture, concert, movie and Heritage Walk
September 26th - official founding day of RICHeS
January - first explorations, founding of the 'Rottiers Committee' and the 'Rottiers Society', which preceded RICHeS